eConsult Consult your GP Online
Guidance for eConsult Submissions
Please read before submitting your eConsult.
eConsult can be a useful way for contacting us for help or advice without the need to book an appointment. However there are certain things we can help you with via this service and others that we can’t as they require a telephone or face to face appointment.
The following requests are suitable for eConsult:
- Administrative requests such as sick notes (MED3), vaccination records, blood results, copy of consultation records etc.
- Requests for further medication not on your repeat prescription relating to an issue that you have discussed with a doctor recently.
- Skin problems (e.g. rashes, eczema, moles) – please include at least 2 photos of the area of concern making sure the photos are in focus (not blurry). It is useful to have a close-up photo for detail and a further away one so we can see where it is on the body and how large it is. If we are not sure from your photos or otherwise feel we need to see it in person then we will advise you so.
- For follow up of problem where the doctor has asked you to follow up with them but everything is fine and you just want to continue on current treatment e.g. newly started antidepressants.
- For problems where you are not sure whether to be concerned and/or want general advice as to whether you should book an appointment or not.
Booking an Appointment
If you want to speak to or see a doctor face to face then please call our reception on 01638 666887 or book an appointment via our online booking system.
Any eConsult request where the doctor feels that they would need to speak to you over the phone or see you face to face will receive a reply asking that you book an appointment via our reception or online.